Strengthen Leadership
"Listening is Leading"
Improve Focus
"Multi-tasking is a Myth"
Manage Stress
"Stress is a Choice"

The Benefits

Overcoming Stress

Corporate Workshops

The Walking Brand

The purpose of the Walking Brand is to fundamentally change people’s relationship to stress so they can more effectively lead healthy and thriving teams.   We do this through a mindfulness program that develops the three Universal Skills of Focus, Relaxation and Connection.

What makes this training truly innovative is that the approach is founded on the principles of Aikido and mind body unification.   As a result, the program is 100% experiential.

The benefits of The Walking Brand mindfulness training span more effective leadership, greater ability to focus, management of stress, stronger relationships, heightened creativity and innovation, empathetic listening … These are applied both professionally and personally.

Rich Fryling marries 25 years of corporate experience with a lifetime of personal development.   He holds a 5th degree blackbelt in Shinshin Toitsu Aikido, Head Instructor of New York Ki Aikido and certified associate lecturer and examiner by Ki no Kenkyukai in Japan.

Contact for more information.